Transparency code
The Smaller Authorities Transparency Code came into force on 1 April 2015 and requires the online publication of certain information which the Government requests, to provide taxpayers with a clear picture of the authority’s activities, spending, and governance, and will improve the ability of communities to hold local public bodies to account. This includes any information on joint committees. All smaller authorities must make sure they are compliant. Under the Transparency Code, from April 2015 smaller authorities, including town and parish councils with a turnover of less than £25,000 are required to publish the following information online:
- All items of expenditure above £100
- End of year accounts
- Annual governance statement
- Internal audit report
- List of councillor or member responsibilities
- The details of public land and building assets
- Minutes, agendas and meeting papers of formal meetings
Parish council minutes:
Planning minutes:
Most planning applications are discussed at the monthly Parish Council meeting. When an application has to be considered at a separate meeting, the minutes can be found below.
Full details of all planning applications can be found at Greater Cambridge Shared Planning