Parish Council
About the parish council
Parish Council meetings are usually held on the third Wednesday in the month in the Reading Rooms, starting at 07.30pm. A District Councillor and a County Councillor are normally in attendance.
Members of the public are very welcome to attend these meetings.
The agenda for these meetings will be placed in the Notice Board, on the website and via community email a week beforehand. Minutes from the meetings will be published after they have been agreed at the following meeting.
The meeting dates for
Garth Wheeler (Chair)
Peter Barnes (Vice-Chair)
Keith Buchanan
Jackie Newland
Frank Sole
Jordan Sole
Caleb Wenman
Parish Clerk: Marian Burling
district councillor:
Cllr Heather Williams
county councillor:
Cllr Sebastian Kindersley
pc documentation:
The Council Minutes and Agenda etc. can be found on the meetings page